Thursday, 31 July 2014

First Look At Wonder Woman, Superman & Batman In Batman V. Superman Dawn Of Justice!

First Look At Wonder Woman, Superman & Batman In Batman V. Superman Dawn Of Justice!See The Pic At Buy Your Figures At

Comic-Con 2014 - Speeding Bulletin (July 18-31, 2014)

Comic-Con 2014 - Speeding Bulletin (July 18-31, 2014)Superman news for the week July 18-31, 2014. Brought to you by Hosted by Steve Younis.

Big Bang theory home made firecracker

Big Bang theory home made firecrackerTriple 777 black powder substitute.

How to make really good quality fine Black Powder in a lead ball mill step by step

How to make really good quality fine Black Powder in a lead ball mill step by stepI am a norwegian guy that loves science, so i wanted to se how difficult it was to make it at home, here you see step by step how you can make som really gre...